Zuckerberg tries to save face (not book)

I’m sure by now you’ve heard that the kid who started facebook AKA Mark Zuckerberg recently donated 100 million dollars to a Newark public school. Then I’m sure you heard a smart winded comment about how it’s perfect PR timing because The Social Network (coming next week and looking awesome) doesn’t depict him in the best light. You can click HERE or HERE to see what both the Wall street journal and NY magazine said about it, if you don’t want to click those links than let me sum it up – they praised him on his PR timing.

PR timing? Really?

Who cares about what a movie is saying about this guy or why he chose to donate it now. A mid – 20 year old pulled a Bill Gates and dropped some of his money into a cause he didn’t need too. I’m not sure if this is a sign of the times but if you’re one of the people who agrees with the PR stunt than I’d say take a minute and think about the good this is going to do.

Is this a very convenient time to donate money? Yes. But it’s also a convenient time to help out a struggling school and economy. For all of you who say: “he won’t even notice the money is missing” as if that is some sort of excuse. Who cares that Zauckerberg has 6 point whatever billion dollars. Money is money and nobody likes to see it go…nobody.

So what’s the point? What am I saying? Don’t be the disgruntled guy/girl, hope that Newark actually improves their schooling, and go sign up for facebook.